Entry Location Map (Mixed Method)

The Entry Location Map can be accessed through the Analysis dropdown on the top navigation.

The Entry Location Map displays where the participant submitted each entry overlayed on a Google map. The icons indicate the task type, and the number indicates which task it is.  You can click on an icon to expand the entry and see its underlying details.  

You can only view one participant’s entries on the map at a time, but you can scroll between participants using the arrows to the left and right of their names.

Location data can be turned on when creating a project by selecting the project option ‘Capture device GPS location on entries if available.’: If checked, each time a person uploads an entry into EthOS, we will record the location on a map and have it available for you in the dashboard and via the Entry Location Map report.  For this feature to work, participants must agree to share this information when they sign into the EthOS app for the first time or agree when doing a Desktop Screen Recording.   You can turn this on/off via the Admin > Project Settings.